Carincoach blog

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Tünde Erdös, the one and only!

Coaching in a global & personal perspective!

Dear You, reading my blog at . This is a beginning of a series of blogposts with some deep value about being a human being in our time: What is being human all about – and how will we be able to manage being human in it all? These blog posts are meant to give you a taste of what’s to come: the bigger thing. If you feel you can’t benefit from the chance to listen to the podcast, watch the three documentary films. The questions around being human are in that bigger context. And there is a blogpost like a pre – blogpost for the coming ones – giving you the whole story of the connection of research and social impact and how you can take part of this big picture. Click the link and get the full story before you jump into the first blogpost (this one) in a part of four. Here is the link and the first “pre- blogpost”, which is written in Swedish. Click here to read and get some photos You will recognise

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