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Tünde Erdös, the one and only!

Contributing to something bigger… part 2

Now, she is there! In Orlando, Florida to receive her prize on the ICF Converge 2023

She asked me on LinkedIn, the other day: “How would you prepare for a moment like this? (To receive an award, a global prize, where I like to add the greatness of the prize as the top notch of prizes.)

I need a blogpost for the first part of my answer!

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Dr T ünde Erdös, the one and only

Contributing to something bigger… part 1

There are many of us today, I guess, who feel a strong drive to contribute to something bigger than we are, something that is likely to make a difference, something that makes life better for many people – ideally for the whole world.

I’m someone like that.

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Pink Circle

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Under 20 min hur får du känna på värdet av coaching. Du väljer själv hur specifik du vill vara och det spelar ingen roll om du ringer som privatperson eller som företrädare för en verksamhet. 


Bästa sättet är att uppleva!  

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