Contributing to something bigger… part 1

Dr T ünde Erdös, the one and only


There are many of us today, I guess, who feel a strong drive to contribute to something bigger than we are, something that is likely to make a difference, something that makes life better for many people – ideally for the whole world.


I’m someone like that.

Spring 2023, I got the chance to contribute to something bigger, at least in my field of professional coaching where I hold the highest accreditation (ICF MCC) from the International Coaching Federation, the largest professional coaching body worldwide.

Now, I’d like to tell you the story of this contribution. And if you think this is going to be about me. You’re all wrong.


Hold on to your hats. It’s going to be about:

Tünde Erdös, the one and only!

Dr. Tünde Erdös (ICF MCC) who received the ICF Impact Award in the category Distinguished Coach for her extraordinary contributions to the development of the coaching profession, professionalism, and global inspiration for the entire industry.

ICF Coaching Impact Awards 2023

In a series of a few short posts – kind of a “reality series” – here on the edge of this summer -, I will give you some insight into the backstage workings of winning a prize.


Today August 22  2023, Tünde is due to travel from Austria to Florida to receive the ICF Impact Award along with some colleagues whose contributions have also been honored, albeit in different categories – and I’m all cheering!

Imagine what it means to me to have been able to contribute to highlighting the HUGE work that Tünde has put into coaching research, authoring books, producing a 6-hour documentary film where she looks at state of coaching in the world.

For me, it’s important that Tünde’s impressive contributions become visible to many, as many as possible – to the whole world. Even more, as she’s never pursued the goal of receiving an award, or anything for that matter.


Getting curious about how receiving an award becomes possible?

Stay tuned!

I will follow the process of the joy, excitement, anxiety and personal impact that such an award may awaken in and for those who receive it.

We will reflect how the prize itself may announce even more and serve as a stepstone for other future milestones on the journey of social impact through human development.


Indeed, an award like this – and maybe most importantly – highlights the relevance of the field of coaching as we can see it today!

Check out some of Tünde’s work here:

#icf #icfimpactawards #coaching #development

Carin Coach 

Carin Bladh

Carin Bladh


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